Car Render Challange 2019 - Mustang Mach 1
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Car Render Challange 2019 - Mustang Mach 1

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Hello everybody! I've chosen for this competition my all time most favourite and iconic cars; the Ford Mustang Mach 1! I'm excited to be back again, I last entered this competition back in 2016 with the Boss 302 and this time I'm taking what I've learned from the past three years and applying it to a new awesome idea and render. I purchased Redshift back in August and I've been itching to put out a finished render, this will be my first legit project with this render engine as I've been a V-Ray user for the past 5 years and I'm super excited.

I can't believe there is only 10 days left to get this done, time is just shooting by.. I have the whole of next week off from work so I'm going to be putting in a TON of time, I need it as I sometimes struggle with not getting caught up in the small details. I think I will be done with the car in a couple more days, tonight I am doing the wheels and front details. After thats all done with I'm moving onto the environment.

Speaking of the environment! My Idea for it is my imagination of what it would be like in the future to want to 3D print a full size vehicle from the distant past, perhaps so far into the future that using such technology is actually forbidden/illegal! I'll start blocking it out in a couple days and post the progress. Probably going to pick up a trial/month of substance designer as I would like to try and implement it too.

Good luck to everyone entering the competition, it is so cool to see the creativity!

Car Render Challange 2019 - Mustang Mach 1
Car Render Challange 2019 - Mustang Mach 1

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Car Render Challange 2019 - Mustang Mach 1

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Some more details added the last couple days, made a start on unwrapping so its ready for some decals, will be posting a screenshot of that when its ready.

Car Render Challange 2019 - Mustang Mach 1
Car Render Challange 2019 - Mustang Mach 1
Car Render Challange 2019 - Mustang Mach 1

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Unwrap nearly done, got to tweak it in a couple areas but it's about good enough to do some decal design in PS.

Car Render Challange 2019 - Mustang Mach 1

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First pass with materials applied. UV's are still a little distorted so the decals look a little off, going to go back and fix those, thrown on some simple materials to try and get a feel for what I want it to look like, I'm going to be spending the rest of the night getting some more definition put into them so they don't look to flat and boring. But for a first pass with materials I really like where its heading. Tomorrow I begin blocking out the environment.

Car Render Challange 2019 - Mustang Mach 1

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Nice one! Also a mustang :). You work very fast I must say.

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Posted by: AdmirH


Nice one! Also a mustang :). You work very fast I must say.


Thanks! I'm seeing quite a few mustangs this year which is really cool. I took some time off work so I can focus on this project so right now I'm putting in 10-12 hours a day, my 140 pack of yorkshire gold teabags might not make it to the end of the week at this rate...

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Some advice for student and newcomers: working in 3D visualization the last few years has taught me a couple things: choose and setup a camera angle at the beginning, and only focus on the areas that you will primarily see (including reflections). Here are a couple shots of areas I am choosing to not fully flesh out right now as it will only hinder my overall progress on meeting the deadline.

Car Render Challange 2019 - Mustang Mach 1
Car Render Challange 2019 - Mustang Mach 1
Car Render Challange 2019 - Mustang Mach 1
As much as I want to make a beautiful all round car with fleshed out rear and interior its not feasible for me in time currently.

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Direction for my environment: My main inspiration came from some photos I saw a while ago that someone took in one of those underground cisterns in Houston. It was so beautiful and eerie at the same time and my imagination went wild inventing a story involving one.

Car Render Challange 2019 - Mustang Mach 1
My mood board. I'm thinking that this deep underground cistern has been converted into a large scale 3D printing lab that has long been shuttered and abandoned but is once again brought to life by some crazy lunatic and a wild dream.

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Quick 30 second render of the initial environment blockout so far. Trying to get a feel for the space and the setup. Put some lights in too so I can start playing with the color direction. I think for now I'm going to focus on the floor panels under the car and get that area up to scratch and build out from there.

Car Render Challange 2019 - Mustang Mach 1

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