Car Render Challenge 2017 - 66 Mustang Retrofit
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Car Render Challenge 2017 - 66 Mustang Retrofit

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I started working on this vehicle a very long time ago when I didn't have much experience (ha! almost none!) modeling vehicles. This project was started back up when this contest popped up. It gave me a good excuse to revisit and hopefully finish a long desired project even though I have a lot of cleanup work ahead of me on this model.

Initially I wanted to build a very accurate '66 Mustang but for my entry I'll be happy with 'close'. For this contest the direction will be slightly askew of 'classic'. 🙂 It will be a futuristic advertisement for the sci-fi retrofit of classic muscle cars with vehicle flight systems. For my theme the term classic will become 'antique', sci-fi and futuristic will become 'modern'. The biggest challenge will be to keep it clean, uncluttered and futuristic without the usual heavy sci-fi machinery look.

I have a few images to post. These are all TEST renders (be gentle, I'm old and fragile) I took after fixing ugly geometry problems generated when I started this back when I didn't know jack-shit about vehicle modeling. For now they are all I have so they will have to suffice. The errors are almost finished and I will be able to start tackling the rest of the car soon and have some fun with the sci-fi aspect.

Car Render Challenge 2017 - 66 Mustang Retrofit
Car Render Challenge 2017 - 66 Mustang Retrofit
Car Render Challenge 2017 - 66 Mustang Retrofit
Car Render Challenge 2017 - 66 Mustang Retrofit
Car Render Challenge 2017 - 66 Mustang Retrofit

akvahouse, Maxster, chenmy1 and 3 people reacted
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Great work!

makit3d reacted
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i like mustang car.

makit3d reacted
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There was a bit of time to do some work so I spent it cleaning up topology issues before I continued with further modeling. I also rebuilt part of the front section so it was a little more accurate. Wow, so much work left and I haven't even tried to tackle shader yet. Fortunately there are still many days left.

Car Render Challenge 2017 - 66 Mustang Retrofit

chenmy1, Serhii and suriel reacted
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Thanks for sharing!

makit3d reacted
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I didn't have much time to get anything big done. Just added the tail lights and some other small bits. I am looking to having time to actually get something done. For now I added a set of tires just to see how the car would look even though the final product will look very different. There are still textures or shaders added yet. Just basic materials for simple renders.

Car Render Challenge 2017 - 66 Mustang Retrofit

suriel and Serhii reacted
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Having a difficult time getting motivated to get more done on this thing. Too much going on at once, perhaps. Anyway, here is a really small update. Spent a few minutes to finish the rear components on the car such as the gas cap, lights, etc. Only thing left is to clean up some errors and add the vertical bumper supports/accents.

Car Render Challenge 2017 - 66 Mustang Retrofit
Car Render Challenge 2017 - 66 Mustang Retrofit

Serhii reacted
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I am finally able to get more work done on this now that some projects are out of the way. Here is a small update. I've added a very small bit of a sci-fi aspect to it with the undercarriage. There is a lot more that needs to be done but the body will remain mostly 'classic' Mustang with the sci-fi technical bits being added elsewhere.

I hope to have the interior done soon now that I can dedicate some time to it. I still have to figure out materials and start working on the overall scene. 🙁 There's just never enough time.

Car Render Challenge 2017 - 66 Mustang Retrofit

Serhii reacted
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It's a seat. I needed one. I made one.

( Almost done with the interior! The pain is nearly over! \o/ )

Car Render Challenge 2017 - 66 Mustang Retrofit

Serhii reacted
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nice job ! i like this seat 🙂

ComplexAce and makit3d reacted
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