PROJECT NIGHT PAGER - Car Render Challenge 2020
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PROJECT NIGHT PAGER - Car Render Challenge 2020

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Hey all! This will be my entry for the 2020 Car Render Challenge! I'm excited to challenge my abilities and design a legendary hidden gem of 90s JDM: The Toyota MK3 Supra. 

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PROJECT NIGHT PAGER - Car Render Challenge 2020
4 Hours in. Looks very rough at the moment due to a lack of beveling / cleanup  combined with subsurf Level 1. Really excited at the progress I'm making, I've never make a car this quickly before!

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PROJECT NIGHT PAGER - Car Render Challenge 2020
(Included topo pic)

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Took a break for a few days and came back to realize that I wasn't happy with the first draft - it felt rushed and my technique wasn't very good. So, I decided to start over and try a few new tricks and integrate a couple more add-ons into my workflow. 

PROJECT NIGHT PAGER - Car Render Challenge 2020
Already starting to look so much better. (Level 2 Subsurf)
PROJECT NIGHT PAGER - Car Render Challenge 2020
Topo pic as well.

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PROJECT NIGHT PAGER - Car Render Challenge 2020
starting to come together!

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Finally got more time to work on the Supra today. 6 hours later, and she's looking nearly finished! Still blown away by how good it's come out so far, excited for what's to come : )

PROJECT NIGHT PAGER - Car Render Challenge 2020
PROJECT NIGHT PAGER - Car Render Challenge 2020
PROJECT NIGHT PAGER - Car Render Challenge 2020

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Time to start working on wheels to get this car truly rolling. The real question is, which wheel? 



PROJECT NIGHT PAGER - Car Render Challenge 2020
PROJECT NIGHT PAGER - Car Render Challenge 2020
might as well just model a few of my favorites out, and make the decision from there. 

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After another late night, I'm proud to say that my very first high poly car is complete! Now time to texture and work on an environment. It's not stock, because life's too short to drive stock cars. 

PROJECT NIGHT PAGER - Car Render Challenge 2020
PROJECT NIGHT PAGER - Car Render Challenge 2020
PROJECT NIGHT PAGER - Car Render Challenge 2020
PROJECT NIGHT PAGER - Car Render Challenge 2020

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Environment Completed. Time to start texturing. The end is in sight!

PROJECT NIGHT PAGER - Car Render Challenge 2020

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Cleaned up my environment a little and added a bit of detail. It's all coming together! Just have to texture the car and it's time to finish my renders!

PROJECT NIGHT PAGER - Car Render Challenge 2020
PROJECT NIGHT PAGER - Car Render Challenge 2020
Test render without the car. Looks a little bright at the moment - it's not matching the aesthetic im going for. 

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