Sci-Fi Industrial Zone 3D challenge - Zilo One
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Sci-Fi Industrial Zone 3D challenge - Zilo One

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Hello everyone,

I am glad that I can join this challenge and I am really excited to present my project. The idea is to create the whole industrial zone with different industries, something similar to what we actually have today, but keep it in the Sci-Fi realm. I did a lot of reasearch on how industrial zone operates, what kind industries it can have and many more details. So to actually start building the zone, I need a consturction map to guide me through the process. So as you can see in the image below I created one. The map shows all industries divided into sectors. 

The overall plan of creating the zone is to create kitbash set with different industrial objects for each industry and then try to form sectors with particular objects and scatter them around following the map. 

The project is really big and I hope that I will have enough time to complete it before the deadline. 

So it's time to work!

Sci-Fi Industrial Zone 3D challenge - Zilo One

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Finally got the time to actually start working on the scene. Since my map of industrial zone is huge, I decided to present just one part of it. In this shot everything will be placed according to the map. I decided to show the sectors around Main reactor zone. So in my first update I have a rough blockout of the scene and the angle of the camera. The angle of the camera might change as I go. 

Now it's time to start creating buildings and replace the blockout models!


Sci-Fi Industrial Zone 3D challenge - Zilo One

Serhii reacted
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First pass of facility buildings is completed. The next thing I will be focusing are cargo storages in the back and to the side. Replacing blockout models in the back. And adding more buildngs in the front.Still a lot to do!

Sci-Fi Industrial Zone 3D challenge - Zilo One

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Second pass of facility buildings completed. I added chemical zone buildings in the back. Adjusted the scale of some buildings.


Sci-Fi Industrial Zone 3D challenge - Zilo One

Serhii reacted
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Another pass of adding buildings and adjusting the scale.

Sci-Fi Industrial Zone 3D challenge - Zilo One

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In this update I added more pipes and details to the front. These are the formation of pipes that are coming from chemical zone. There is still Reactor and Storages to be created and replaced with blockout models.

Sci-Fi Industrial Zone 3D challenge - Zilo One

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In this update I completed storage zone in the back. Adjusted the scale of some objects and added some small details to the scene.

Sci-Fi Industrial Zone 3D challenge - Zilo One

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I decided to change the platform in the front and add some assets to it. It looked a bit empty. I also created some workers and added them to the platform.

Sci-Fi Industrial Zone 3D challenge - Zilo One

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The rails and brigdes in the back are completed. I scattered a couple workers around. And of course I am still adjusting the scale of some buildings to fit into the scene properly. There is only reactor building to be created and maybe some minor adjustments around. So I am close to finishing the modeling phase.

Sci-Fi Industrial Zone 3D challenge - Zilo One

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The reactor building is also completed. I am ready for texturing phase.

Sci-Fi Industrial Zone 3D challenge - Zilo One

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