Car Render Challenge 2017 - few legal questions
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Car Render Challenge 2017 - few legal questions

Arek Jarocki
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Hello everyone! I'm trying to make a papercraft model of Lotus e20 and I would like to ask that if I can use pdf that they share on their fb fanpage years ago (it's Renault fanpage now) for creating textures? Or I need to create new ones from scratch (I would need to modify old ones anyway).

Also I would like to know if I can put the original brands that were on the car, like logos of Lotus, Renault, Total etc.?

Below screen of my WIP model

Car Render Challenge 2017 - few legal questions

novena reacted
Estimable Member Admin
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Hi Arek, yes you can use this PDF and yes, you can put the brands logos. It's just an art challenge, there are no commercial uses - so you can do all these things. Good luck!

Arek Jarocki
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Thank you very much for your reply! Ok, so it is time for me to get back to work : )
