Car Render Challenge 2017 - TVR Spitfire
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Car Render Challenge 2017 - TVR Spitfire

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Hey Everyone! This is Sunil here.

So! Total disclosure, i did not start this project with the intend of participating in this challenge. It just so happened that the recent news of the iconic TVR re-launch as the new griffin made me a bit anxious. Not because of my over bearing affinity towards the brand but with all due respect, i thought the new model was a tad under whelming. Not to say that i can do better, but i wanted to express myself. I started a series of not so serious rough scribbles in my notebook and got somewhere i could cure my anxiousness a bit. 

To top all of this, i have also been a bit out of focus from all my peers and the design world as most of my projects have been confidential. And BAM! the Rendering challenge by HUM3d came across. Now i know the vast-immense talent pool that dwells on the internet and also in this Forum. So needless to say i was nervous whether to participate and make a fool of myself as this is a rendering challenge rather than a car design challenge. But as the days passed by, all the gorgeous renders here only made me inspired. Hence i decided to take part. I worked most evenings for an hour to two on the rendering project. I finally finished it. So this is my version of the new era of TVR. 


Car Render Challenge 2017 - TVR Spitfire

Following are a series of images that shows my progress on my version on the relaunched TVR rendering. This design has nothing to do with the griffin, Hence i named it as the TVR Spitfire. The nomenclature comes from none other than the Super-marine Spitfire, which used to in a way remind me a lot about the old TVRs. Raw, Agile and Unapologetic about their appearance. I tried to blend the organic and mechanical together in the design. The following is the result.


Car Render Challenge 2017 - TVR Spitfire

The model is made in Rhinoceros and the renderings are done in Keyshot. And for the rendering i thought, as its inspiration comes from the Spitfire, why not include that too in the rendering. Some detail shots of the car :


Car Render Challenge 2017 - TVR Spitfire
Car Render Challenge 2017 - TVR Spitfire
Car Render Challenge 2017 - TVR Spitfire
Car Render Challenge 2017 - TVR Spitfire
Car Render Challenge 2017 - TVR Spitfire
Car Render Challenge 2017 - TVR Spitfire
Car Render Challenge 2017 - TVR Spitfire
Car Render Challenge 2017 - TVR Spitfire
Car Render Challenge 2017 - TVR Spitfire
Car Render Challenge 2017 - TVR Spitfire


I know i bored you with the montage , So henceforth its all about the design! I wish everyone the best of luck! I will add a few more progress images before the final render Submission. 🙂

Serhii reacted
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Hey there, Adding a few more renders here.

And i just saw the previous post of mine... i Accidentally spelled it TVR 'griffin' than Griffith! That doesn't sound Serious. I apologize.( I hear peter laughing slowly 😉  )

Car Render Challenge 2017 - TVR Spitfire
Car Render Challenge 2017 - TVR Spitfire
Car Render Challenge 2017 - TVR Spitfire
Car Render Challenge 2017 - TVR Spitfire

Serhii reacted
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Ok, So as i mentioned before, i modeled a super marine spitfire to be placed alongside my car model for a dramatic Final render.

Car Render Challenge 2017 - TVR Spitfire
Car Render Challenge 2017 - TVR Spitfire
Car Render Challenge 2017 - TVR Spitfire
Car Render Challenge 2017 - TVR Spitfire
Car Render Challenge 2017 - TVR Spitfire

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The final rendering, for me is a daydream: A photo and video session of my TVR Spitfire alongside a Super-marine Spitfire airplane on its launch-day. So want to portray a behind-the-scene of the shoot. This includes some light equipment's and stands which you can see below:

Car Render Challenge 2017 - TVR Spitfire
Car Render Challenge 2017 - TVR Spitfire
Car Render Challenge 2017 - TVR Spitfire
Car Render Challenge 2017 - TVR Spitfire
Car Render Challenge 2017 - TVR Spitfire
Car Render Challenge 2017 - TVR Spitfire
Car Render Challenge 2017 - TVR Spitfire
Car Render Challenge 2017 - TVR Spitfire

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Some in progress shots for the spitfire and the car

Car Render Challenge 2017 - TVR Spitfire
Car Render Challenge 2017 - TVR Spitfire
Car Render Challenge 2017 - TVR Spitfire
Car Render Challenge 2017 - TVR Spitfire
Car Render Challenge 2017 - TVR Spitfire
Car Render Challenge 2017 - TVR Spitfire
Car Render Challenge 2017 - TVR Spitfire
Car Render Challenge 2017 - TVR Spitfire
Car Render Challenge 2017 - TVR Spitfire
Car Render Challenge 2017 - TVR Spitfire
Car Render Challenge 2017 - TVR Spitfire

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Now for final rendering scenes. I was fascinated with the idea of a chrome wrapped car as i used the material to study my model surface. Also the spitfire had a cool aluminum finished image on the internet. So i though of using the desert or a salt flat for the photo shoot set up.

Car Render Challenge 2017 - TVR Spitfire
But this didn't appeal a lot to me also the contest requires a modeled background. Hence i thought of an architectural back drop such as a wall for the scene set up.
 Hence the final set up looks like below. I am adding some details in PS and will upload the final render by tomorrow.
Car Render Challenge 2017 - TVR Spitfire

Serhii reacted
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Nice work! Funny enough I also have a Spitfire and Bonneville salt flats in my scene. Guess I'll have to change an idea lol

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Oh my! Dont you worry, i no longer have salt flats in my scene now. As for the spitfire, its a universally loved machine so the more the merrier . Why dont you use it? My render is all about the car anyway.  I look forward to seeing your render.

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My final render. I had to touch it a bit with PS. Mainly the rivets on the plane body.

Car Render Challenge 2017 - TVR Spitfire
