Chevrolet Bel Air Coupe
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Chevrolet Bel Air Coupe

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Hi guys. I'm going to enter the competition with classic Chevrolet Bel Air Coupe. So far I've managed to model the basic body shape. 


Chevrolet Bel Air Coupe

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Small update.


Chevrolet Bel Air Coupe
Chevrolet Bel Air Coupe
Chevrolet Bel Air Coupe

Serhii reacted
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Did some small progress. Next - hood and headlights.

Chevrolet Bel Air Coupe

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I didn't really have much time to work on the project... I'll try to speed up the pace now. Meanwhile I still haven"t touch the hood and headlights 😛 Will try to work on those now. 

Chevrolet Bel Air Coupe


Chevrolet Bel Air Coupe
Chevrolet Bel Air Coupe

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Just quick material test so I can feel like I'm little closer to finish than I really am 😉


Chevrolet Bel Air Coupe
Chevrolet Bel Air Coupe
Chevrolet Bel Air Coupe

Jude01 reacted
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Got em!


Chevrolet Bel Air Coupe
Chevrolet Bel Air Coupe

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I've been working on the wheels lately.

 Chevrolet Bel Air Coupe
Chevrolet Bel Air CoupeChevrolet Bel Air Coupe
Chevrolet Bel Air Coupe
Chevrolet Bel Air Coupe
Chevrolet Bel Air Coupe
Chevrolet Bel Air Coupe
The car is ALMOST ready - I'll leave the details, emblems, simple interior etc. for later and I'll try to focus on the scene and composition now.

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Chevrolet Bel Air Coupe

It's been a while since I've updated this thread. The project is already finished and about to be uploaded 🙂 

Serhii reacted
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And here are some WiP screenshots I took while I've been working on the environment:


Chevrolet Bel Air Coupe
Chevrolet Bel Air Coupe
Chevrolet Bel Air Coupe
Chevrolet Bel Air Coupe
Chevrolet Bel Air Coupe
Chevrolet Bel Air Coupe
Chevrolet Bel Air Coupe
Chevrolet Bel Air Coupe

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Chevrolet Bel Air Coupe
Chevrolet Bel Air Coupe
It was a great fun and I wish you all guys good luck!

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