Render Competition 2021 - Kevin Boulton - F2004
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Render Competition 2021 - Kevin Boulton - F2004

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Hi Guys.

Im making a start at this years competition, no idea if i will finish it as hard pressed for time BUT I thought i would give it a stab anyway.
It will be the F1 Fararri f2004.... with a twist in the paint work.... fingers crossed i have time.

Good luck to everyone.

Render Competition 2021 - Kevin Boulton - F2004

JakubP and Ablamuchas reacted
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Hands down the hardest car to model. So much fun trying to get it right.

Render Competition 2021 - Kevin Boulton - F2004

Serhii and Jude01 reacted
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Updating this AWESOME body work on this f2004.

Render Competition 2021 - Kevin Boulton - F2004

Serhii reacted
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Hi all. 

Getting in to the nitty gritty of the model now. Here's an update.

Render Competition 2021 - Kevin Boulton - F2004
Render Competition 2021 - Kevin Boulton - F2004
Render Competition 2021 - Kevin Boulton - F2004
Render Competition 2021 - Kevin Boulton - F2004
Render Competition 2021 - Kevin Boulton - F2004

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Making progress with the UVs. 

Even if this one doesn't make the deadline its going to get completed one way or another.

Hope your all doing good out there in your entries.

Render Competition 2021 - Kevin Boulton - F2004

Andre Richter
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Man you have to model a lot of parts, that´s no easy task. Good luck to you. I hope you can make it to the Deadline 🙂

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Hi Andre, yes its been a challenge but i'm not at the render stage to my scene. I think I should just make it.

Hows yours going?

Andre Richter
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I'am working on it 😉

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Its render time. 
Been flying of the seat of my pants with this one, so sorry for the lack of WIP shots. May have to go back and fill in the blanks when I have the Post Production complete and submitted.

Fingers crossed.

Render Competition 2021 - Kevin Boulton - F2004
