Survival Car 2018 - Anton Hurinov
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Survival Car 2018 - Anton Hurinov

Anton Hurinov
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Hello everyone.


The old people stopped telling about what happened.

"There's nothing more to talk about!"  they mumble lowering their head. 

It's only known that the centuries-old history of humankind, the history of uncontrolled consumption of resources, the history of the ruthless and purposeful destruction of the planet came to an end. The lack of raw materials led to the consecutive closure of factories, and as a result, to the collapse of the world economy. Diseases and hunger swept over the planet.

Gradually disappear the places of residence people and with them all that has been created for many hundreds of years.

There remains only one elusive hope for a handful of people who don't give up hope of creating an alternative kind of energy that allows them to live in harmony with nature. They don't lose faith in the fact that tomorrow dawn will come and a new day will begin.

Maybe this is the second chance?

Survival Car 2018 - Anton Hurinov

suriel, DmitryDanylenko, Serhii and 1 people reacted
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This is sick! Great idea ! Can't wait for model !!

Archer reacted
Anton Hurinov
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just a progress

Survival Car 2018 - Anton Hurinov
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Skate3D, Archer, makit3d and 3 people reacted
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This is looking really cool. I like the decision to raise the rear to give it a little more personality.

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Nice one, very clean modelling!

Anton Hurinov
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The final WIP screens.

I hope you like it guys.

Survival Car 2018 - Anton Hurinov
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well done !! nice one.  Ac/dc - "thunder-strike"!!!!

I wold love to c this scene recreated in marmoset or sketchfab, or maybe unreal engine ?!

Anton Hurinov
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I'm not sure yet, I want to relax few days, but this level should be recreated in any tool viewer 100% cuz I made the scene little bigger than in render and with a more deeper story. 

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Awesome idea, I like how You just made some concept alive, with twist of own variations 🙂 Nice models, and final render looks amazing.
