Survival Car 2018-Richard Allen
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Survival Car 2018-Richard Allen

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I'll add a story later. The vehicle will be a Land Rover.
The tools that I will be using are Silo, 3d Studio, Substance Painter/Quixel, the beta version of the standalone GhostTown (GTSA or code named Geozilla).
Here are some reference images:


Survival Car 2018-Richard Allen
Survival Car 2018-Richard Allen
Survival Car 2018-Richard Allen
Survival Car 2018-Richard Allen
Survival Car 2018-Richard Allen
Survival Car 2018-Richard Allen
Survival Car 2018-Richard Allen

Archer, suriel and Serhii reacted
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I won't have time to build the Land Rover as I wanted so I am pulling out a car I had that was further along and will merge the two together. Part of the LR body was done as well as the frame. I have some drive train parts finished and am working on the suspension. Once that is done I can continue to work on the body. All I have now is a concept for it.


Survival Car 2018-Richard Allen
Survival Car 2018-Richard Allen
Survival Car 2018-Richard Allen
Survival Car 2018-Richard Allen
Survival Car 2018-Richard Allen

Archer, suriel, Serhii and 1 people reacted
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A small update to the body and front suspension. I am considering going with a portal suspension instead since it gives it more lift and has a more dramatic look.

Survival Car 2018-Richard Allen
Survival Car 2018-Richard Allen

Archer, mrey4957, Stalker_Lom and 1 people reacted
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A tiny update after finishing the tire and wheel.

Survival Car 2018-Richard Allen

Archer, Serhii, Stalker_Lom and 1 people reacted
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Such an atmospheric concepts. A very detailed model,nice!

makit3d reacted
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Thank, you, Archer.

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I had some time to work on the environment. The wall in the background is only a place holder until I can model it. The rest of the scene is almost done and when it is I'll finish the car. I also have some characters to go with the scene if they can be finished on time.

Survival Car 2018-Richard Allen

Serhii and Stalker_Lom reacted
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I've begun to work on the middle ground area to try and go for that dystopia look. I'll have to experiment with it but it's starting to come together.

Survival Car 2018-Richard Allen

Stalker_Lom, SerhanDereli, Serhii and 1 people reacted
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I rebuilt the scene somewhat. Instead of going for more sky it felt right to make it somewhat darker, complex, grittier and more interesting than a wide open wasteland where you can see long distances. With the addition of an overhead structure it seems to give it a heavy, moody feeling. Need to add some more details, wires, etc. and then I can finally finish the car.

Survival Car 2018-Richard Allen

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Populous poor area...

Cool scene, not what in my work 🙂

makit3d reacted
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