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The Warn

Munkhjin O
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“The Warn”

 The Desperation of the Human Race... Earth is decayed and the air is polluted. The earth became wasteland. But there are still few survivors. Everything has started the day mankind discovered something. Something that musn't be found. Someone from present wanted to fix it from the beginning. Someone understood not every secrets are destined to be disclosed.

 This is my first entering of this challenge. I just wanted to make my version of Mustang 2016 mannually adjusted and geared up with “time machie”..,

Too late for Composite final Render with environent 🙁




The Warn
The Warn
The Warn

Munkhjin O
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Her Some Wips 🙂

The Warn
The Warn
The Warn
The Warn
The Warn
The Warn
The Warn
The Warn
The Warn

Serhii reacted
Munkhjin O
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Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 3
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Her some other renders 🙂


The Warn
The Warn
The Warn
The Warn
