Without Borders - Giant Wild Goose Pagoda
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Without Borders - Giant Wild Goose Pagoda

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Hello everyone,
I decided to take part in this challenge. It is an interesting topic to try to recreate some of the most famous architectural creations in the world. 
In my case I choose to work on Giant Wild Goose Pagoda, one of the most famous places in China situated in the city of Xi'an. Recently I had a chance to visit this awesome place and it left a very strong impact on me. So that's why I decided to recreate it in 3D.

This is going to be so much fun!

Without Borders - Giant Wild Goose Pagoda

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First update on the project. Just quick block out of the whole complex around Wild Goose Pagoda. Then I will slowly start to create those buildings and replace them with block out assets.

Without Borders - Giant Wild Goose Pagoda

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I started modeling the small pagoda. Just made the base, now I am moving on with the roof.

Without Borders - Giant Wild Goose Pagoda

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I switched to Wild Goose Pagoda, because I think is better to finish the central building first. I already created the base of the pagoda before. Now I am refining and adding details to the tower. 

I don't have quite much time until the deadline, so that's why I am rushing things and I am not sure what to do first hahah 😀

Without Borders - Giant Wild Goose Pagoda

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I almost finished the Goose Pagoda, need to clean up and add some small details and adjust the scale.

Without Borders - Giant Wild Goose Pagoda

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I added more details to the Pagoda and some fences on the windows. Very close to the finish of the modeling phase of Pagoda.

Without Borders - Giant Wild Goose Pagoda

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Just some quick test render of the Wild Goose Pagoda.

Without Borders - Giant Wild Goose Pagoda

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And now I am working on the small Pagoda that is in front of the Goose Pagoda in the yard. I kind of have an idea of the final camera position and the scene setup. I still need to texture the main pagoda and finish the small one. There is also one of the temples that I need to create that will be part of the scene. And of course some decorative vegetation.

Without Borders - Giant Wild Goose Pagoda

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And here it is the small pagoda is finished!

Without Borders - Giant Wild Goose Pagoda

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I finished the texturing phase of the Wild Goose Pagoda. Here is some quick test render with the textures.

Without Borders - Giant Wild Goose Pagoda

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