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'Mobile' Phone

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Taking part on the challenge again, actually already started around April, but due to some things just started write this now.

Had a rough time finding concept/idea that I like, initially wanted to do airship, then there's idea to make some kind of helicopter, up to a simple but with complicated details clockwork unit. I wanted to have some balance between cool silhouette/shape and ability to show off details (gears, etc.) but seemed unable to get a satisfying one. One day when browsing on my computer, I happened to saw this past work :

'Mobile' Phone
It was a kitbash work assembled from my own asset pack. The upper part looks like an old telephone with separate speaker and microphone unit :
'Mobile' Phone
I felt like this could make a great concept, so I decided to blend those two ideas : old telephone fitted on a small walker robot. Equipped with some anntenae, the unit will be a 'mobile' phone, can be easily taken to everywhere you need! That, and add some steampunk elements to it.
For the WIP, first I thought I will just make some snapshots of my progress and then post them all together with the finished work on my portfolio later on to make it simpler. However, I then think would be better to have some on-going documentation of the work so decided to make one here.
Here are the rough blockouts (front and rear view) :
'Mobile' Phone
This topic was modified 2 months ago by purbosky

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