Steampunk 3D Art Challenge - Volant The Flying Fortress
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Steampunk 3D Art Challenge - Volant The Flying Fortress

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Hello everyone,

I decided to take part in this challenge and I am really excited about it! For this challenge I will create Steampunk Airship named "Volant". It is going to be some sort of flying fortress running on steam. Equipped with cannons and guns ready for battle. I plan to incorporate a lot of victorian style ornaments and patterns combined with rustic copper and iron which will give that specific steampunk style. It will have multiple gigantic chimneys 


Blockout 1

As you can see I already get started with some rough blockout. I will run a couple of more passes of blockout before I move forward with creating the actual parts of the Airship.

Steampunk 3D Art Challenge - Volant The Flying Fortress
Steampunk 3D Art Challenge - Volant The Flying Fortress

Aukan and Volodymyr reacted
Active Member Admin
Joined: 4 months ago
Posts: 5

Hey, your concept of a steampunk airship looks amazing already! I can't wait to see how you'll develop your idea.

Keep pushing forward with the project!
