Car challenge 2023 Sci Fi Police vehicle "Razor"
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Car challenge 2023 Sci Fi Police vehicle "Razor"

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Hi! My name is Krzysztof Levin and I´m a self taught art student. Currently I´m working on my portfolio in order to create a painting of my work for the industry.

This police vehicle is an imaginary sci fi car that is part of the police force from the future. I started working on it, during this challenge in the past, but could not finish it due to some events. I contacted the staff and they said I could reenter the competition. I havent touched it since then, but now I feel confident I can finally finish it. I´m also planning on a character and two drones that will accompany the vehicle. The environment idea is still foggy, but I´m slowly working on it. I have a vague idea that I want to develop.


So let´s start the engines.....

Here comes a moodboard I gathered as inspiration and references. This is a very important part of my approach which is common enough. These images not only give me ideas but also motivates and informs me of what has been done in the past. In them I can see a shape, a color, a certain angle etc. that I like. 

Car challenge 2023 Sci Fi Police vehicle
This topic was modified 10 months ago 2 times by krislevin

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Here are some early images on how far I got. It is still to bussy in the back and other shape challenges at the start and many things are just placeholders for this time being. I´m planning on details like cockpit and so on, but time will show if I get to do that. Hopefully yes!

Car challenge 2023 Sci Fi Police vehicle
Car challenge 2023 Sci Fi Police vehicle
Car challenge 2023 Sci Fi Police vehicle
Car challenge 2023 Sci Fi Police vehicle
Car challenge 2023 Sci Fi Police vehicle

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I started to model  the drone to switch a little between tasks. I wanted it to be in a sort of a star formation style. This will be a support vehicle for the police car. It feels good so far, we will see where it ends up:)


Car challenge 2023 Sci Fi Police vehicle
Car challenge 2023 Sci Fi Police vehicle
This post was modified 10 months ago by krislevin

Serhii reacted
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So here are a few more images of the drone. It is coming along nicely. It will be fairly detailed with high end technology.

Car challenge 2023 Sci Fi Police vehicle
Car challenge 2023 Sci Fi Police vehicle

Ablamuchas reacted
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So the drone is moving forward. I kind of like the way it looks now and this is just the beginning for it.  I´m modeling in Blender which I think is a great tool for that. The idea behind it is a robotic character in the middle of it. I dont know if you see the beginning of it. Modelingwise I dont like the "knees" and the lamp shapes he (blue and red) he is holding. I want something more simple. I do not want to put in to much of detail on it so the eyes will avert from it because of it. Anyways, hope you like the update.


Car challenge 2023 Sci Fi Police vehicle
Car challenge 2023 Sci Fi Police vehicle
Car challenge 2023 Sci Fi Police vehicle

Serhii reacted
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Ok. Im done with the drone for now. I think it looks pretty cool as of now and I will continue on it, once I have come closer to finishing the police vehicle car. This weekend I´m planning on working on the character helmet and sculpting the body and do some preplanning for modeling the main model "Razor". I´m content with the progress, and hope you like the model so far. I want to really put my mind to this car, as I feel some kind of a personal connection to the project:) It is perhaps because this is my first car I´m making but also the theme, you know?:) Of course I want to do my best. 😀 😍 

Car challenge 2023 Sci Fi Police vehicle
Car challenge 2023 Sci Fi Police vehicle
This post was modified 9 months ago by krislevin

Serhii reacted
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Hey guys! Sharing an image of her helmet. I feel like it is progressing fine, but there is alot to do on it, before I can call it finished. For now, I´m leaving it like this, and on to sculpting her body. The antennas on the sides will be cameras and sensors which are fed into the visual holographic image inside. 





Car challenge 2023 Sci Fi Police vehicle
This post was modified 9 months ago 7 times by krislevin

Serhii reacted
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Looking great. Got some "zone of enders" vibes. 
